Save Energy and join the Solar Future!


Interesting post from Energy Reporter Sammy Roth of The Desert Sun.

A new electricity rate structure soon to be offered by Southern California Edison could make it easier for businesses and nonprofits to go solar. 8574256295_6acb69f92a_z

Known as “Option R,” the new rate structure — which could be available to commercial electricity consumers as soon as January — lowers demand charges that are difficult to reduce with solar panels but which can account for half of a business’ monthly power bill. At the same time, Option R increases electricity rates — the portion of the bill that can be substantially reduced by adopting rooftop solar.

The result is a rate structure that shortens payback periods for solar-generating systems. Brad Heavner, policy director for the California Solar Energy Industries Association, said Option R “greatly expands the market” for rooftop solar at businesses and nonprofits.

Buy Desert Land!

Interesting Opportunity for Land Developers and Private Investors

Are you thinking of selling or buying desert or vacant land? Whether you are a new developer or simply interested in investing in your future, desert land is something you may want to consider.  


In our previous post we mentioned large corporations were buying this land in efforts to create solar power energy. Recently as reported by VVDailyPress Staff Writer Gary Brodeur Officials work to balance clean energy production with natural resources protection”The article is interesting because in our opinion it re-confirms the fact: Vacant and Desert land are of great interest and value to highly specialized investors, insurance giants, and a new class of investor. 

Brodeur writes:

“Since the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the United States has fitfully moved toward energy independence based on national security and economic concerns.

But today the emphasis on renewable-energy development is driven as much by concerns over global warming as by self-sufficiency.”

VOICES: On public financing for and progress of renewable-energy development


Photo by Daniel Lobo

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California:
“The federal loan guarantee program has helped provide critical financing for solar energy projects. This is important because the responsible development of the solar industry in California is essential to meeting our clean-energy needs and combating climate change.

“However, renewable energy production cannot come at the expense of our natural resources, and I will continue to advocate for a balance between energy projects and the protection of the California desert.”

3rd District Supervisor James Ramos:
“I am happy with how the new solar ordinance is affecting local projects on private property in county unincorporated areas. I am happy it is in place and I believe it will achieve a good balance between preserving quality of life, property values, scenic viewsheds and protecting national parks for our residents while at the same time creating good-paying jobs for local laborers who will work on the projects that move forward because they are adequately and responsibly located.”

It is evident to us that Desert Land will start to significantly increase in value and demand. 

If you have any questions please feel free to check out our website or ask any questions.



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