Interesting Opportunity for Land Developers and Private Investors

Are you thinking of selling or buying desert or vacant land? Whether you are a new developer or simply interested in investing in your future, desert land is something you may want to consider.  


In our previous post we mentioned large corporations were buying this land in efforts to create solar power energy. Recently as reported by VVDailyPress Staff Writer Gary Brodeur Officials work to balance clean energy production with natural resources protection”The article is interesting because in our opinion it re-confirms the fact: Vacant and Desert land are of great interest and value to highly specialized investors, insurance giants, and a new class of investor. 

Brodeur writes:

“Since the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the United States has fitfully moved toward energy independence based on national security and economic concerns.

But today the emphasis on renewable-energy development is driven as much by concerns over global warming as by self-sufficiency.”

VOICES: On public financing for and progress of renewable-energy development


Photo by Daniel Lobo

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California:
“The federal loan guarantee program has helped provide critical financing for solar energy projects. This is important because the responsible development of the solar industry in California is essential to meeting our clean-energy needs and combating climate change.

“However, renewable energy production cannot come at the expense of our natural resources, and I will continue to advocate for a balance between energy projects and the protection of the California desert.”

3rd District Supervisor James Ramos:
“I am happy with how the new solar ordinance is affecting local projects on private property in county unincorporated areas. I am happy it is in place and I believe it will achieve a good balance between preserving quality of life, property values, scenic viewsheds and protecting national parks for our residents while at the same time creating good-paying jobs for local laborers who will work on the projects that move forward because they are adequately and responsibly located.”

It is evident to us that Desert Land will start to significantly increase in value and demand. 

If you have any questions please feel free to check out our website or ask any questions.



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Government Grants for Desert Land?

The U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management posted their “West Mojave Plan Program” on their website.


Various local energy agencies (i.e. First Solar Inc.) are interested in vacant desert land for sale to build “Solar Zones”. This Vacant Desert Land is located in the San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Kern, and Inyo counties. As stated in the BLM’s “West Mojave Plan”, “The purpose of the West Mojave Plan is to develop management strategies for the desert tortoise, Mohave ground squirrel and over 100 other sensitive plants and animals that would conserve those species throughout the western Mojave Desert, while at the same time establishing a streamlined program for compliance with the regulatory requirements of FESA and CESA. Agencies, local jurisdictions and others with a stake in the future of the western Mojave Desert have collaborated in the development of the West Mojave Plan.”

Desert land has more value then what is realized, much of it is owned by our government and used to for many good reasons including creating “Solar Zones“.

Buy your piece of the American Dream! Invest in your future now. The easiest way to buy desert land.

Desert Land In Demand!

Although this is a bit dated we thought it was important to repost it. In December of 2012 the L.A. Times released an article

“Farmland in Demand”. The article states:

“In the last year, Prudential Financial Inc. has plowed money into lemons and avocados in Ventura County, almonds and mandarins in the Central Valley and strawberries in Santa Cruz County.

The insurance giant is just one of many players, including highly specialized investors and large pension funds, that have snapped up California farmland recently.

The buying spree has helped push farm and ranch land values to record highs, raising questions about how long the boom might last and what effect it might have on the state’s important agricultural sector.

A new class of investors is piling into the sector, said Frank Plessmann of Agriworld Fund Inc., a hedge fund based in Greenville, Miss.”.

It is interesting to us here at DISCOUNTLAND4LESS to share these articles because they share insight that you wouldn’t usually find unless you were specifically looking for this information, or interested in investing in California vacant land.

We specialize in selling vacant desert land in California.Image

Areas include:

Please Contact Us if you have any questions regarding purchasing vacant land. We offer easy financing on our website. DISCOUNT LAND FOR LESS

California Desert Land For Sale


There are many blogs and news stories about Physicians in Arizona buying up vacant desert land, and the general public is just catching wind of it. Secure your piece of the American Dream. Where do you start?  Investing in your future is what might help you get to where you want to be. Investing in desert land isn’t as hard as buying a new home.  Playing the stock market and waiting for years on a stock to pay off, isn’t for all of us.

Let us help you find affordable vacant desert land that can help you, so you can start building your future. Land is by far a safer and better investment; in many expert opinions then stocks or bonds; especially in California.  Now is the right time to invest, while the land is available and the market is affordable.

Think of all the possibilities that you have by owning a piece of land.

Farming on California Desert Land?

Farming on California Desert Land?Farming / Agriculture                      

  Farming / Agriculture                      

Off-road with your friends, on your Desert Land!

Off-road with your friends, on your Desert Land!

 All Terrain Vehicles 

Get away with the family and Camp in the Desert!

Get away with the family and Camp in the Desert!





Camping / Motorhome          

Build your own Home on your own piece of Desert Land!

Build your own Home on your own piece of Desert Land!

Building Your own Home & Investment

CONTACT US with any questions you might have and we’ll be happy to get back to you at our earliest convenience.

Land For Sale California